Friday, December 14, 2007

Germantown Av. Construction 12/15-12/28/07

Germantown Avenue construction work will continue through the remainder of 2007, including work directly effecting campus. Here is the planned work the next 2 weeks:

Saturday work (December 15): There will be work going on Saturday, December 15 between 7:00 am and 3:30 pm at the intersection of Gowen and Germantown, and along the Lutheran Seminary. There will be two way traffic and Gowen Avenue will not be closed to traffic. This is the last weekend work before the new year.

Weekday work (December 17-28): During the next two weeks, work will continue under the bridge just south of the intersection with Cresheim Valley Drive, in front of the Diner and behind the barrier up through Roumfort Road, at the Gowen Avenue intersection and across from the Wawa (in front of campus) -- in other words, nearly the length of the project work area. Basically, this is a continuation of this past week's work, and it will continue to the end of the year.

You can expect re-routed traffic along Germantown Avenue, but there will be no detours or road closures.

There will likely be night work on the water lines, and affected neighbors will be notified directly.

GERMANTOWN AVENUE BUSINESSES NEED YOUR SUPPORT! Check out the special business promotions during DecemberFest at Visit the Save the Avenue Web site,, for updated information, including special promotions and information on how you can support our merchants. ALL BUSINESSES ARE OPEN DURING THE CONSTRUCTION.

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